Inside Elesgru
Our company is divided into five sections. Every part was created in the best possible way to satisfy our clients.
We have the most advanced technology to meet the needs of our customers. We also have a department composed by qualified professionals to certify that both the design and sizing of each tower crane section is made in accordance with the current Spanish regulation. That is: Real Decreto 836/2003, de 27 de junio. Reglamento de aparatos de elevación y manutención, referente a grúas torre para obras u otras aplicaciones (Spanish Decree-Law for Lifting and handling equipment, referring to tower cranes for construction sites or other applications). Our tower crane sections have our certificate of compliance, which is guaranteed by an authorised and accredited supervisory body.
We assemble our products using fully calibrated casts and regularly checked in order to obtain a perfectly adjusted product. The assembly process is carried out by robots and our professional employees. They are highly qualified in welding, so we obtain high strength, perfectly welded tower crane parts.
Our crane sections are sold fully painted in a special primer designed to preserve the product throughout its life. Furthermore, the customer is offered the possibility of painting the product with an additional two-component coating in any colour. In our manufacturing plants we have the best resources to carry out the painting process efficiently and respecting the environment.
Elesgru will always look after its customers. For this reason, we have a large stock of products. In this way, we guarantee immediate delivery and avoid customers having to bear the economic cost of storing them in warehouses. We work with an updated resource management in real time that permit us know the status of our storage.